Monday, 13 January 2025

G4 A1 additional resources


Week 21 Vocab Definitions Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City


1.  sacred (adj.): having to do with religion; very holy

2.  guidance (n.): help or advice that tells you what to do.

3.  inhabitant (n.): a person or animal that lives in a particular place.

4.  parapet (n.): a low wall at the edge of a platform, roof, or bridge.

5.  trim (v.): to cut (something) off something else; to remove something by cutting.

6.  dedicate (v.): to set apart for a special use or purpose.

7.  pinnacle (n.): the point of greatest success or achievement; a high mountain top.

8.  thermal (adj.): of, relating to, or caused by heat.

9.  aqueduct (n.): a channel or pipe built to carry water over a long distance.

10.   pillar (n.): a large post that helps to hold up something (such as a roof).

11.   commandment (n.): an important rule given by god that tells people how to behave.

12.   prosper (v.): to become very successful usually by making a lot of money.

13.   throng (v.): to go to (a place) in a large group or in large numbers.

14.   cargo (n.): the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle.

15.   gradually (adv.): happening in a slow way over a long period of time.

16.   infect (v.): to cause someone to become sick.

17.   ambition (n.): a particular goal; something that a person hopes to do or achieve.

18.   greed (n.): a selfish desire to have more of something.

19.   crumble (v.): to break (something) into small pieces; to break down; to fall apart.

20.   neglect (v.): to fail to take care of someone or something.

21.   fury (n.): rage; violent anger.

22.   trident (n.): a spear that has three points and that looks like a large fork.

23.   blister (v.): a swollen area of skin that is filled with liquid.

24.   penance (n.): something that you do in order to show that you are sorry about doing something wrong.

25.   submerged (adj.): being under the surface of water.

 Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City

quotations grammar

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