1st semester words and definitions

 1st semester words and definitions

Reading Street


Week 2 Vocab Definitions The Man Who Invented Basketball


1.      sports (n.): games with physical activities involved

2.      study (v): to learn about something

3.      popular (adj.): well liked; liked by many people

4.      guard (n.): a person who protects something

5.      freeze (v.): to reach freezing point (when water turns to ice)

6.      terrible (adj.): very bad; awful

7.      basketball (n.): a sport in which two teams try to score points by getting the ball into the opponents’ net

8.      disease (n.): a type of sickness or illness

9.      biography (n.): the story of someone’s life

10. pound (v.): to hit something with force again and again

11.  foolish (adj.): silly

12. force (v.): to make someone do something that he or she doesn’t want to do

13. rein (n.): a leather strap that helps you to control a horse

14. typhoid (n.): a disease that is passed to another by dirty food or water

15. blacksmith (n.): a person who makes things from iron

16. champion (n.): a winner of the first prize in a competition

17. ancient (adj.): very old, existing for many years

18. language (n.): the system of spoken or written words that people use to express thoughts to each other

19. lumberjack (n.) : a person whose job is to cut down trees for wood

20. sermon (n.): a talk given by a religious leader

21. rugby (n.): a game played by two teams in which each team tries to carry or kick a ball over the other team’s goal line

22. grumble (v.): to complain quietly

23. infection (n.): the process of infecting someone or something

24. philosophy (n.): the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc.

25. graduate (v.): to successfully complete a course of study

Week 3 Vocab Definitions The Man Who Invented Basketball


1.    solid (adj.): not hollow; having no space inside.

2.   shortcut (adj.): a shorter, quicker, or easier way to get a place.

3.   hoof (n.): the hard covering on the foot of an animal (horse or pig, etc.)

4.   solve (v.): to find a way to deal with and end a problem.

5.   pitch (n.): to throw or toss something.

6.   stomachache (n.): pain in or near your stomach.

7.   minister (n.): a person authorized to perform at religious services of some religions.

8.   Hebrew (n.): the official language of Israel.

9.   lacrosse (n.): a game played on a field. the players use sticks with a net on one end to carry the ball and throw it into the other team’s goal.

10.    exercise (n.): activity done to keep the body or mind strong.

11.     struggle (v.): to make a strong effort

12.    explain (v.): to make clear in speech or writing.

13. soccer (n.): a game in which two teams of eleven players try to move a ball into a goal by kicking or hitting it without using the hands or arms.

14.    fame (n.): the condition of being well known or respected by lots of people.

15.    pose (v.): to hold a position as for a painting or photograph.

16.    sketch (n.): a drawing that was done in a hurry or without detail.

17.     patent (n.): a government grant that gives the right to make, use, or sell an invention.

18.    trip (v.): to accidentally stumble or fall because your foot hits something

19.    umpire (n.): a person who rules on plays in a game; referee.

20.   court (n.): an enclosed area for playing certain sports such as basketball or tennis.

21.    military (adj.): having to do with soldiers or armies.

22.   chaplain (n.): a priest who performs religious services for a prison or hospital, etc.

23.   citizen (n.): a person who lives in a particular country and has certain rights and responsibilities there.

24.   physical education (n.): instruction in sports and exercise as a class in a school.

25.   foul (n.): an action that is against the rules and for which a player is given a penalty.

Week 4 Vocab Definitions Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest


1.    outrun (v.): to run or move faster than something

2.    tide (s) (n): movement of the oceans caused by the Sun and the Moon

3.    desert (n.): area of very dry land; often covered in sand and very hot

4.    erupt / erupted (v.): to send out rocks, lava in a sudden explosion

5.    waterfall (n.): an area where water falls from a high place

6.    peak (n.): the very top of a mountain

7.    average (adj.): a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities

8.    depth (n.): a distance below the surface

9.    record (n.): a performance or achievement that is the best of its kind

10.   mightier (adj.): stronger; more powerful

11.   record (v.): to show a measurement of something

12.   precipitation (n.): water that falls to the ground as rain, snow, etc.

13.   annual (adj.): happens every year; or covering the whole year

14.   current (n.): a continuous movement of water or air in the same direction

15.   trench (n.): a long, narrow hole in the ocean floor

16.volcano (n.): a mountain with a hole in the top or side that sometimes sends out rocks, ash, lava, etc., in a sudden explosion (called an eruption)

17.   regularly (adv.): happening very often; or happening at regular intervals of time

18.   extreme (adj.): very great in degree

19.glacier (n.): a very large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley or over a wide area of land

20.   typical (adj.): normal; average or usual

21.   ferment (v.): to undergo a chemical change when left for some time

22.   carpool (v.): to share cars to travel to work or school

23.   circus (n): a traveling show performed in a big tent

24.   purchase (v.): to buy

25.   support (v.): to give help to someone or something

Week 5 Vocab Definitions Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest


1.    amazing (adj.): causing great surprise or wonder.

2.    jungle (n.): land covered with many trees; a tropical rainforest.

3.    freshwater (adj.): of, having to do with water that is not salty.

4.    contain (v.): to hold or have within.

5.    combine (v.): to bring or join together into a whole.

6.    consider (v.): to think carefully about; to keep in mind.

7.    base (n.): the bottom or lowest part of something.

8.    Russia (Prop. n.): a country in Europe and Asia.

9.    Libya (Prop. n.): country in Africa.

10.Sahara (Prop. n.): desert in Africa.

11.Colombia (Prop. n.): country in South America.

12.Chile (Prop. n.): country in South America.

13.Himalayas (Prop. n.): mountain in Asia.

14.Venezuela (Prop. n.): country in South America.

15.Philippines (Prop. n.): island country in Asia.

16.Ecuador (Prop. n.): country in South America.

17.overtake (v.): to move up to and past (someone that is in front of you) by moving faster.

18.windiest (adj.): having a lot of wind; the most windy.

19.deepest (adj.): having a large distance to the bottom from the surface; the most deep.

20.driest (adj.): having no or very little water or liquid; the most dry.

21.pour (with rain) (v.): to rain heavily.

22.mile (n.): a unit of measurement equal to 5,280 feet (or 1,609 meters).

23.feet (measure) (n.): plural of foot; a unit of measurement equal to 12 inches or .3048 meter.

24.receive (v.): to get or be given something.

25.narrow (adj.): not wide or broad.

Week 6 Vocab Definitions   Suki’s Kimono

1.  festival (v.): a special time or event when people gather to celebrate something

2.  snug (adj.): fitting closely and often too tightly

3.  rhythm (n.): a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements

4.  paces (n.): a single step or the length of a single step usually plural

5.  graceful (adj.): moving in a smooth and attractive way

6.  pale (adj.): light in color

7.  cotton (n.): a soft, white material that grows on the seeds of a tall plant and that is used to make cloth

8.  handkerchief (n.): a small cloth used for wiping your face, nose, or eyes

9.  kimono (n.): a loose piece of clothing with wide sleeves that is traditionally worn on formal occasions in Japan

10.   approve (v.): to believe that something or someone is good or acceptable

11.   slurp (v.): to eat or drink (something) noisily or with a sucking sound

12.   lantern (n.): a light that usually has a covering and can be carried, hung, or flown

13.   quake (v.): to shake because of fear, anger, etc

14.   quiver (v.):to shake because of fear, cold, nervousness

15.   flutter (v.): to move with quick, light movements

16.   giggle (v.): to laugh in a nervous or childlike way

17.   ignore (v.): to refuse to show that you hear or see something or someone

18.   assembly (n.): a group of people who have gathered together

19.   snicker (v.): to make a short, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect

20.   clog (n.): a shoe or sandal that has a thick usually wooden sole

21.   hum (v.): to make a low continuous sound

22.   stamp (v.): to bring (your foot) down heavily and noisily; to use a special device (called a stamp) to put a design, word, etc., on something

23.   obi (n): a sash worn with traditional Japanese clothes

24.   favorite (adj.): best liked of something; most preferred

25.   crunchy (adj.): having a hard texture and making a loud sound when chewed

Week 7 Vocab Definitions   Suki’s Kimono


1.    weird (adj.): unusual or strange.

2.    cool (adj.): somewhat cold; not warm or hot.

3.    souvenir (n.): something that is kept as a reminder of a place you have visited.

4.    linen (n.): a smooth, strong cloth made from flax.

5.    several (adj.): more than two but not very many.

6.    hurry (v.): to move, act, or go quickly.

7.    overalls (n.): a pair of pants with an extra piece attached that covers the chest and has straps that go over the shoulders.

8.    beside (prep.): by the side of or next to someone or something.

9.    wiggle (v.): to move up and down or from side to side with short quick motions.

10.   pump (v.): to move something up and down quickly and repeatedly.

11.cheek (n.): the part of the face that is below the eye and to the side of the nose and mouth.

12.   respond (v.): to say or write something as an answer to a question or request.

13.   sleeve (n.): the part of a shirt, jacket, etc. that covers all or part of your arm.

14.   sway (v.): to move slowly back and forth.

15.   barefoot (adv.): without shoes.

16.   sweater (n.): a warm usually knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of your body.

17.   notice (v.): to become aware of something or someone by seeing, hearing, etc..

18.   grumble (v.): to complain quietly about something.

19.   clap (v.): to hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once.

20.   snatch (v.): to take away something quickly.

21.   concentrate (v.): to give your attention to the thing you are doing.

22.   pretend (v.): to imagine or make believe.

23.  maple leaf (n.): leaf from a type of tree that grows in northern parts of the world and has hard wood used in making furniture.

24.   slippery (adj.): having a slick surface that is difficult to move upon without sliding.

25.   cone (n.): a shape that has a pointed top and sides that form a circle at the bottom.

Week 8 Vocab Definitions   I Love Saturdays y domingos


1.    domingo (n.): Spanish word for Sunday

2.    scrambled (adj.): all mixed up.

3.    honey (n.): a thick, sweet substance made by bees

4.    bouquet (n.): a group of flowers picked and tied together

5.    pier (n.): a structure that goes out from the shore into water

6.    nibble (v.): to eat slowly or with small bites.

7.    soar (v.): to fly or sail at a great height

8.    circus (n.): a show, often in a large tent, with animals, clowns, magic

9.    swallow (v.): to move food down from your mouth into your body

10.   difficult (adj.): not easy; hard to do, understand, or achieve

11.   stare (v.): to look intensely at something

12.   carpet (n.): a heavy fabric cover for a floor

13.   aquarium (n.): glass or plastic container for fish to live in

14.   seashore (n.): the area of land next to the ocean

15.   California (prop. n.): a state of the USA on the west coast

16.   wagon (n.): a vehicle with four wheels used for moving things, often pulled by animals

17. piñata (n.): a decorated container filled with candy or treats, hit with a stick at children’s parties until it is broken and they fall out

18. scarf (n.): a long piece of cloth worn over the shoulders or wrapped around the neck to stay warm

19.   dollhouse (n.): a toy house for a doll.

20.   papaya (n.): a yellowish green fruit.

21.   spongy (adj.): soft and full of holes or water; like a sponge.

22.   realistic (adj.): based on what is real or could happen.

23.   stair (n.): one of the steps in a set of stairs.

24.   chili (n.): a small pepper with a hot flavor.

25.   chilly (adj.): a little cold.

Week 10 Vocab Definitions   I Love Saturdays y domingos


1.     pancake (n.): a thin, flat, round cake that is made by cooking batter on both sides in a frying pan or on a hot surface (called a griddle)

2.     wonderful(adj.): great; extremely good

3.     Tabby cat (n.): a cat that has dark and light stripes or spots on its fur

4.     roll(v.): to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over

5.     backyard (n.): a piece of land outside the back of a house

6.     VCR(n.): an old machine used to record and watch TV shows, movies, etc

7.     press(v.): to push firmly against something

8.     surprise(v.): to cause someone to be shocked

9.     bunch (n.): a group of things of the same kind that are held together

10. Mexico (prop. n.): a country just south of the USA

11. Texas (prop. n.): a state in the USA

12. New York (prop. n.): the largest city in the USA

13. proud(adj.): happy and pleased with something done

14. Native American(prop. n.): a person descended from the original inhabitants of North    America

15. folded(v.): to bend one part of something over

16. relative (n.): a member of your family

17. deliver(v.): to take to a person or place

18. culture (n.): the customs, beliefs, habits, clothes, food, etc. of a place

19. rays (n.): one of the lines of light that you can see coming from an object

20. raise(v.): to lift up

21. picnic (n.): a meal held outside during a trip

22. gull (n.): a large bird that lives near the ocean

23. cabin (n.): a small, simple house made of wood

24. vacation (n.): a holiday; time away from work or school

25. blood (n.): the red liquid in our veins that pump around the body

Week 11 Vocab Definitions   Goodbye, 382 Shin Dang Dong

1.    memory (n.): something that is remembered

2.    tap (v.): to hit something lightly

3.    monsoon (n.): the rains that occur in south Asia in summer

4.    scroll (n.): a long piece of paper that rolls around one or two cylinders and that usually has something written or drawn on it

5.    cushion (n.): a soft object used to make something more comfortable

6.    possession (n.): something you own

7.    raindrop (n.): a single drop of rain

8.    foreign (adj.): coming from a different country.

9.    moan (v.): to complain; or to make a low, long sound because of pain, unhappiness, or physical pleasure

10.   willow (n.): a type of tree

11.   guest ( n.): a person invited to stay somewhere

12.   farewell ( n.): something you say to a person who is leaving

13.   plump (adj.): a little fat

14.   hanbok (n.): a traditional Korean dress

15.   bap sang (n.): Korean meal/ food

16.   blink (v.): the act of closing and opening one’s eyes

17.   pastel (n.): a pale or light color

18. traditional (adj.): based on a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time

19. celebrate (v.): to do something special or enjoyable for an important event, occasion, holiday, etc.

20.   ripple (v.): to move in small waves

21.   sneak (v.): to move quietly hoping not to be heard or seen

22.   glum (adj.): sad; miserable

23.   perk up (phr. v): to cheer up; become happier

24.   brighten (v.): to make brighter; or to improve one’s mood

25.   airport (n.): the place where aircraft take off and land; where we go to take airplanes

Week 12 Vocab Definitions   Goodbye, 382 Shin Dang Dong


1.      instruct (v.): to teach someone a subject, skill, etc. ; to give someone a command.

2.      pull away (phr.v.): when a vehicle starts moving.

3.      streak (v.): to make long lines of a different color on or in something.

4.      shrug (v.): to raise and lower your shoulders usually to show that you do not know or care about something.

5.      attach (v.): to fasten or join one thing to another.

6.      ondal (n.): korean heating system hidden beneath the floor.

7.      radiator (n.): a device that uses steam passing through pipes in order to heat a room.

8.      enthusiastic (adj.): feeling strong excitement about something..

9.      fireplace (n.): a brick or stone space in a room for making fires.

10.   cellar (n.): a room or rooms built underground, usually beneath a building.

11.   peculiar (adj.): odd, strange, unusual.

12.   separate (v.): to keep apart; to cause something to stop being together.

13.   disappointment (n.): the state or feeling of being disappointed.

14.   homesick (adj.): sad because you are away from your family and home.

15.   insist (v.): to be firm about something; refuse to give up.

16.   shingle (n.): a small, thin piece of building material that is used to cover the roof or sides of a building.

17.   describe (v.): to tell or write about something.

18.   maple (n.): a tree with notched leaves and hard wood, grown for its beauty, wood, or sweet sap.

19.   parade (n.): a public celebration of a special day usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles.

20.   waltz (v.): to dance a round dance for two people.

21.   curious (adj.): eager to learn or know.

22.   casserole (n.): a dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be baked and served.

23.   cantaloupe (n.): a round melon with a hard, rough skin and orange flesh.

24.   delicious (adj.): having a pleasing taste or smell.

25.   giggle (v.): to laugh in a childlike or nervous way.


Week 13 Vocab Definitions Jalapeño Bagels


1.     bakery (n.): a place where bread, cake, cookies are made and sold

2.     ingredient (n.): one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.

3.     batch (n.): a group of things or people

4.     mixture (n.): something made by combining two or more things

5.     dough (n.): a mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients that are baked to make   bread, cookies, etc.

6.     braided (v.): to weave together three or more parts of something

7.     boil (v.): to become too hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the top

8.     jalapeño (n.): a small green pepper that is very hot and used in Mexican cooking

9.     international (adj.): having to do with two or more countries

10. culture (n.): the language, customs, ideas and art of a particular group of people

11. pick out (phr.): to choose

12. treat (n.): something that tastes good

13. deal (n.): an agreement between two or more people

14. knead (v.): to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling

15. turnover (n.): a type of small pie that is filled with fruit, meat or vegetables

16. spoon (v.): to pick up or move with a spoon

17. edge (n.): a line where two surfaces meet

18. flaky (adj.): something in small, flat, thin pieces

19. customer (n.): a person who buys products or services

20. in charge (phr.): to be responsible for something or someone

21. monkey man (n.): a chocolate chip cookie bar

22. especially (adv.): more than usual

23. extra (adj.): more than needed or expected

24. Yiddish (adj.): a language spoken by eastern European Jews

25. recipe (n.): a set of instructions for making something


Week 14 Vocab Definitions Jalapeño Bagels


1.    connect (v.): to join together

2.    tray (n.): a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks

3.    Jewish (adj.): having to do with Jews, their culture, traditions, or religion

4.    counter (n.): a long, high table

5.    slotted spoon (n.): a spoon that has narrow holes in it so that liquid can pass through

6.    poppy (n.): the seed of the poppy plant, used to decorate or flavor food

7.    sesame (n.): a plant grown for its small oval seed and its oil

8.    smoked (adj.): to give a flavor by using the smoke of burning wood

9.    pumpernickel (n.): a type of dark brown bread

10.   smear (v.): spreading something over a surface

11.   crinkle (v.): to make many wrinkles

12.   chop (v.): to cut something into small pieces

13.   except (prep.): not including

14.   suddenly (adv.): quickly and not expected

15.   lukewarm (adj.): only a little warm

16.   yeast (n.): something used to make bread rise and to make beer and wine

17.   stiff (adj.): hard and difficult to bend

18.   necessary (adj.): needed or required

19.   joint (n.): a place where two parts are connected

20.   apart (adv.): separated or away from each other

21.   rolling boil (n.): a boil in which the bubbles rise quickly to the top of the liquid

22.   greased (v.): to put oil on something

23.   malt (n.): a type of grain

24.   gluten (n.): a protein found in wheat

25.   parlor (n.): a business that sells a product


Week 15 Vocab Definitions The Story of the Statue of Liberty


1.    liberty (n.): freedom.

2.    island (n.): an area of land completely surrounded by water

3.    sight (n.): an interesting or special thing/place worth seeing

4.    visitor (n.): someone who visits or goes to a place

5.    ferry (n.): a boat that takes people and/or vehicles back and forth to a place

6.    sculptor (n.): an artist who makes statues

7.    create (v.): to make something new

8.    monument (n.): a building or statue that honors a person, place, or event

9.    remembrance (n.): the act of remembering an event, person, or thing

10.   friendship (n.): the state of being friends

11.   sketch (n.): a rough drawing of something

12.   model (n.): a small copy of something like a model airplane

13.   symbol (n.): an action, thing, or event that represents something else

14.   freedom (n.): the state of being free

15.   lamp (n.): a small light

16.   enlighten (v.): to bring knowledge or awareness

17.   crown (n.): a special piece of headwear often worn by kings or queens

18.   torch (n.): a long stick with something that burns at the end

19.   Craftsman (n): a skilled workman

20.   skeleton (n.): the structure of bones that supports a body

21.   construct (v.): to make or build

22.   steel (n.): a strong, hard metal made of iron and carbon

23.   Workshop (n.): a special room where a craftsman works

24.   tablet (n.): a flat piece of stone, clay, or wood with writing on it; medicine like a pill

25.   declaration (n.): making an official statement about something


Week 16 Vocab Definitions The Story of the Statue of Liberty


1.    independence (n.): freedom from outside control or support.

2.    raise (v.): to lift or move (something or someone) to a higher position.

3.    gleaming (v): shining brightly.

4.    copper (n): a reddish-brown metal that allows heat & electricity to pass through it easily.

5.    strap (n): a narrow and usually flat piece of a material that is used for fastening, holding together, or wrapping something.

6.    fascination (n): causing (someone) to be very interested in something or someone.

7.    voyage (n.): a long journey to a distant or unknown place especially over water.

8.    crate (n.): a large wooden box used for moving things from one place to another.

9.    interest (n.): a feeling or wanting to learn more about something.

10.   run out (phr.v.): to become used up; to come to an end.

11.   pedestal (n.): a support or base for a column, statue, or some other object.

12.   riveted (adj.): fastening with a metal bolt that pins metal plates together.

13.   belong (v.): to be the property of someone; to be owned by someone.

14. unveil (v.): to show or reveal something to others for the first time; to remove a cover from something so that people can see it.

15. immigrant (n.): a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.

16.   harbor (n.): a sheltered area of water where boats can be anchored.

17.   truly (adv.): in a truthful manner; authentically.

18.   unforgettable (adj.): not easily forgotten; very memorable.

19.   include (v.): to have or contain as a part.

20.   huddle (v.): to gather in a small, close group.

21.   yearn (v.): to have a strong desire, craving, or wish for something.

22.   wretched (adj.): unhappy; miserable; evil.

23.   refuse (v.): to not accept or agree to; turn down.

24.   teeming (adj.): being full.

25.   tempest (n.): a very strong wind along with rain, snow, or hail.


Week 17 Vocab Definitions Talking Walls: Art for the People


1.    encourage (v.): to give hope, help or support to someone

2.    native (adj.): relating to a person’s country of birth

3.    settle (v.): to go and live in a place

4.    social (adj.): relating to society and living together

5.    local (adj.): having to do with a particular place

6.    expression (n.): the act of saying or showing what you think

7.    support (n.): to agree or encourage someone

8.    essay (n.): a short piece of writing about a topic

9.    factual (adj.): true, using facts

10.   selection (n.): something that has been chosen

11.   immigrant (n.): a person who moves to another country from his or her home country

12.   promise (n.): saying that you will certainly do something

13.   include (v.): to have as a part of something

14.   speak your mind (phr.v.): to say what a person thinks

15.   canvas (n.): a type of heavy and strong cloth

16.   community (n.): a place where a group of people live

17.   celebration (n.): a special social event when you celebrate something

18.   depict (v.): to show or describe something in a painting or story

19.   democracy (n.): a government in which power is held by the people

20.   neighborhood (n.): an area of a town that is around a person’s home

21.   provide (v.): to give what is needed

22.   seamstress (n.): a woman whose job is sewing and making clothes

23.   El Salvador (pro. n.): a country in Central America

24.   create (v.): to make something new

25.   interpret (v.): to explain the meaning of something


Week 18 Vocab Definitions Talking Walls: Art for the People


1.    sketch (n.): a simple, quickly-made drawing that does not have many details

2.    public (adj.): open and available to people

3.    reach (v.): to arrive at a place

4.    honor (v.): to show respect for someone

5.    downtown (n.): the main part of a city or town

6.    billboard (n.): a very large board on which advertisements are show at the side of a road

7.    fashion (v.): to make something using your hands

8.    extend (v.): to make longer in size

9.    education (n.): the knowledge a person gets through learning

10.graduate (v.): to finish studying at high school or college

11.inspire (v.): to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

12.Central America (n.): the region where North American joins South America

13.success (n.): the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for

14.symbolize (v.): to be a symbol of something

15.pose (v.): to hold a position as for a painting or photograph

16.assistant (n.): someone who helps someone else to do a job

17.theme (n.): the main topic of a book, movie, talk, etc.

18.accomplish (v.): to finish something successfully

19.project (n.): a big group of homes, usually built with public money

20.interesting (adj.): attracting your attention; not boring

21.originally (adv.): at first; in the beginning

22.political (adj.): having to do with politics or government

23.belief (n.): something that you believe

24.resident (n.): a person who lives in a particular place

25.amuse (v.): to make someone laugh or smile


Week 20 Vocab Definitions Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City


1.    chaos (n.): a state of total disorder

2.    spring (v.): to move or leap suddenly forward or upward

3.    seize (v): to get or take something in a sudden or violent way

4.    overthrow (v): to replace a leader like a king with force

5.    realm (n): a kingdom or land

6.    guard (n): a person who guards or keeps something safe

7.    emerald (n.): a green, precious gem stone

8.    barren (adj.): unable to support life

9.    honor (n.): respect given to someone who is admired

10.content (adj.): happy; satisfied

11.crouch (v.): to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs

12.tender (adj.): loving and gentle

13.unaware (adj.): not knowing something; not aware

14.divinity (n.): the state of being a god

15.union (n.): the joining of two or more people or things together

16.spirit (n.): the inner quality of someone.

17.divine (adj.): god-like.

18.transform (v.): to change

19.paradise (n.): a perfect place; like heaven

20.arrange (v.): to organize things in a certain way.

21.alternate (adj.): occurring in, or forming, a repeated series.

22.network (n.): a group of people or things connected somehow

23.canal (n.): a straight, narrow man-made waterway

24.irrigate (v.): to bring water to plants, crops

25.flourish (v.): to do very well; to prosper or thrive


Week 21 Vocab Definitions Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City


1.  sacred (adj.): having to do with religion; very holy

2.  guidance (n.): help or advice that tells you what to do.

3.  inhabitant (n.): a person or animal that lives in a particular place.

4.  parapet (n.): a low wall at the edge of a platform, roof, or bridge.

5.  trim (v.): to cut (something) off something else; to remove something by cutting.

6.  dedicate (v.): to set apart for a special use or purpose.

7.  pinnacle (n.): the point of greatest success or achievement; a high mountain top.

8.  thermal (adj.): of, relating to, or caused by heat.

9.  aqueduct (n.): a channel or pipe built to carry water over a long distance.

10.   pillar (n.): a large post that helps to hold up something (such as a roof).

11.   commandment (n.): an important rule given by god that tells people how to behave.

12.   prosper (v.): to become very successful usually by making a lot of money.

13.   throng (v.): to go to (a place) in a large group or in large numbers.

14.   cargo (n.): the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle.

15.   gradually (adv.): happening in a slow way over a long period of time.

16.   infect (v.): to cause someone to become sick.

17.   ambition (n.): a particular goal; something that a person hopes to do or achieve.

18.   greed (n.): a selfish desire to have more of something.

19.   crumble (v.): to break (something) into small pieces; to break down; to fall apart.

20.   neglect (v.): to fail to take care of someone or something.

21.   fury (n.): rage; violent anger.

22.   trident (n.): a spear that has three points and that looks like a large fork.

23.   blister (v.): a swollen area of skin that is filled with liquid.

24.   penance (n.): something that you do in order to show that you are sorry about doing something wrong.

25.   submerged (adj.): being under the surface of water.

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G4 A1 New Hw example

  March 3 rd , 2025 1 explore (v) explore (v)    explores (v)    explores (v)    explored (v)    explored (v) to travel to new p...