Monday, 9 December 2024

G4 A1 Additional Resources Week 16


Week 16 Vocab Definitions The Story of the Statue of Liberty


1.    independence (n.): freedom from outside control or support.

2.    raise (v.): to lift or move (something or someone) to a higher position.

3.    gleaming (v): shining brightly.

4.    copper (n): a reddish-brown metal that allows heat & electricity to pass through it easily.

5.    strap (n): a narrow and usually flat piece of a material that is used for fastening, holding together, or wrapping something.

6.    fascination (n): causing (someone) to be very interested in something or someone.

7.    voyage (n.): a long journey to a distant or unknown place especially over water.

8.    crate (n.): a large wooden box used for moving things from one place to another.

9.    interest (n.): a feeling or wanting to learn more about something.

10.   run out (phr.v.): to become used up; to come to an end.

11.   pedestal (n.): a support or base for a column, statue, or some other object.

12.   riveted (adj.): fastening with a metal bolt that pins metal plates together.

13.   belong (v.): to be the property of someone; to be owned by someone.

14. unveil (v.): to show or reveal something to others for the first time; to remove a cover from something so that people can see it.

15. immigrant (n.): a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land.

16.   harbor (n.): a sheltered area of water where boats can be anchored.

17.   truly (adv.): in a truthful manner; authentically.

18.   unforgettable (adj.): not easily forgotten; very memorable.

19.   include (v.): to have or contain as a part.

20.   huddle (v.): to gather in a small, close group.

21.   yearn (v.): to have a strong desire, craving, or wish for something.

22.   wretched (adj.): unhappy; miserable; evil.

23.   refuse (v.): to not accept or agree to; turn down.

24.   teeming (adj.): being full.

25.   tempest (n.): a very strong wind along with rain, snow, or hail.

The Story of the Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

'a' 'an' Rules

Writing pros and cons and generalization IMPORTANT

3rd person verb rules

How to use Adverbs in a Sentence

Vowel Sounds 'OO'

Facts and Opinions

When to Capitalize Words




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