Monday, 7 October 2024

G4 A1 week 7 additional Resources


Week 7 Vocab Definitions   Suki’s Kimono


1.    weird (adj.): unusual or strange.

2.    cool (adj.): somewhat cold; not warm or hot.

3.    souvenir (n.): something that is kept as a reminder of a place you have visited.

4.    linen (n.): a smooth, strong cloth made from flax.

5.    several (adj.): more than two but not very many.

6.    hurry (v.): to move, act, or go quickly.

7.    overalls (n.): a pair of pants with an extra piece attached that covers the chest and has straps that go over the shoulders.

8.    beside (prep.): by the side of or next to someone or something.

9.    wiggle (v.): to move up and down or from side to side with short quick motions.

10.   pump (v.): to move something up and down quickly and repeatedly.

11.cheek (n.): the part of the face that is below the eye and to the side of the nose and mouth.

12.   respond (v.): to say or write something as an answer to a question or request.

13.   sleeve (n.): the part of a shirt, jacket, etc. that covers all or part of your arm.

14.   sway (v.): to move slowly back and forth.

15.   barefoot (adv.): without shoes.

16.   sweater (n.): a warm usually knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of your body.

17.   notice (v.): to become aware of something or someone by seeing, hearing, etc..

18.   grumble (v.): to complain quietly about something.

19.   clap (v.): to hit the palms of your hands together usually more than once.

20.   snatch (v.): to take away something quickly.

21.   concentrate (v.): to give your attention to the thing you are doing.

22.   pretend (v.): to imagine or make believe.

23.  maple leaf (n.): leaf from a type of tree that grows in northern parts of the world and has hard wood used in making furniture.

24.   slippery (adj.): having a slick surface that is difficult to move upon without sliding.

25.   cone (n.): a shape that has a pointed top and sides that form a circle at the bottom.

WordWall vocab week 6



Adjectives and Articles

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