Monday, 25 November 2024

G4 A1 Week 14 Additional Resources


Week 14 Vocab Definitions Jalapeño Bagels


1.    connect (v.): to join together

2.    tray (n.): a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks

3.    Jewish (adj.): having to do with Jews, their culture, traditions, or religion

4.    counter (n.): a long, high table

5.    slotted spoon (n.): a spoon that has narrow holes in it so that liquid can pass through

6.    poppy (n.): the seed of the poppy plant, used to decorate or flavor food

7.    sesame (n.): a plant grown for its small oval seed and its oil

8.    smoked (adj.): to give a flavor by using the smoke of burning wood

9.    pumpernickel (n.): a type of dark brown bread

10.   smear (v.): spreading something over a surface

11.   crinkle (v.): to make many wrinkles

12.   chop (v.): to cut something into small pieces

13.   except (prep.): not including

14.   suddenly (adv.): quickly and not expected

15.   lukewarm (adj.): only a little warm

16.   yeast (n.): something used to make bread rise and to make beer and wine

17.   stiff (adj.): hard and difficult to bend

18.   necessary (adj.): needed or required

19.   joint (n.): a place where two parts are connected

20.   apart (adv.): separated or away from each other

21.   rolling boil (n.): a boil in which the bubbles rise quickly to the top of the liquid

22.   greased (v.): to put oil on something

23.   malt (n.): a type of grain

24.   gluten (n.): a protein found in wheat

25.   parlor (n.): a business that sells a product


             Vocab Wordwall



Jalapeño Bagels-Story

ei, eigh- Long /a/

comparative and superlative adverbs

G4 A1 Week 14

   G4 A1 Week 14

Week 14

Homework 回家功課




Nov 25th

□1. week 14 vocab 1-12 x5 

□2. def x1

□3. x5 sentences



Nov 26th

 □1. week 14 vocab 13-25 x5

□2. def x1

□3. x5 sentences



Nov 27th

 □1. WS




Nov 28th

 □1.  WS




Nov 29th

□1. Write about Sports Day and rest of the day (2 pages)

Monday, 18 November 2024

G4 A1 Additional resources week 13


Week 13 Vocab Definitions Jalapeño Bagels

          1.     bakery (n.): a place where bread, cake, cookies are made and sold

2.     ingredient (n.): one of the things that are used to make a food, product, etc.

3.     batch (n.): a group of things or people

4.     mixture (n.): something made by combining two or more things

5.     dough (n.): a mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients that are baked to make   bread, cookies, etc.

6.     braided (v.): to weave together three or more parts of something

7.     boil (v.): to become too hot that bubbles are formed in a liquid and rise to the top

8.     jalapeño (n.): a small green pepper that is very hot and used in Mexican cooking

9.     international (adj.): having to do with two or more countries

10. culture (n.): the language, customs, ideas and art of a particular group of people

11. pick out (phr.): to choose

12. treat (n.): something that tastes good

13. deal (n.): an agreement between two or more people

14. knead (v.): to mix by pressing, folding, and pulling

15. turnover (n.): a type of small pie that is filled with fruit, meat or vegetables

16. spoon (v.): to pick up or move with a spoon

17. edge (n.): a line where two surfaces meet

18. flaky (adj.): something in small, flat, thin pieces

19. customer (n.): a person who buys products or services

20. in charge (phr.): to be responsible for something or someone

21. monkey man (n.): a chocolate chip cookie bar

22. especially (adv.): more than usual

23. extra (adj.): more than needed or expected

24. Yiddish (adj.): a language spoken by eastern European Jews

25. recipe (n.): a set of instructions for making something

Jalapeño Bagels-Story

ei, eigh- Long /a/

comparative and superlative adverbs

G4 A1 Week 13

  G4 A1 Week 13

Week 13

Homework 回家功課




Nov 18th

□1. week 13 vocab 1-12 x5 

□2. def x1

□3. x5 sentences



Nov 19th

 □1. week 13 vocab 13-25 x5

□2. def x1

□3. x5 sentences



Nov 20th

 □1. WS




Nov 21st

 □1.  RWN 357-359




Nov 22nd

□1. Writing Final Draft

G4 A1 New Hw example

  March 3 rd , 2025 1 explore (v) explore (v)    explores (v)    explores (v)    explored (v)    explored (v) to travel to new p...