Wednesday, 30 October 2024

G4 A1 Wednesday

 G4 A1 Wednesday


□1.No homework

Exp Class - Greece facts

Science class pg 30-31 

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Monday, 28 October 2024

G4 A1 additional resources


Week 10 Vocab Definitions   I Love Saturdays y domingos


1.     pancake (n.): a thin, flat, round cake that is made by cooking batter on both sides in a frying pan or on a hot surface (called a griddle)

2.     wonderful(adj.): great; extremely good

3.     Tabby cat (n.): a cat that has dark and light stripes or spots on its fur

4.     roll(v.): to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over

5.     backyard (n.): a piece of land outside the back of a house

6.     VCR(n.): an old machine used to record and watch TV shows, movies, etc

7.     press(v.): to push firmly against something

8.     surprise(v.): to cause someone to be shocked

9.     bunch (n.): a group of things of the same kind that are held together

10. Mexico (prop. n.): a country just south of the USA

11. Texas (prop. n.): a state in the USA

12. New York (prop. n.): the largest city in the USA

13. proud(adj.): happy and pleased with something done

14. Native American(prop. n.): a person descended from the original inhabitants of North    America

15. folded(v.): to bend one part of something over

16. relative (n.): a member of your family

17. deliver(v.): to take to a person or place

18. culture (n.): the customs, beliefs, habits, clothes, food, etc. of a place

19. rays (n.): one of the lines of light that you can see coming from an object

20. raise(v.): to lift up

21. picnic (n.): a meal held outside during a trip

22. gull (n.): a large bird that lives near the ocean

23. cabin (n.): a small, simple house made of wood

24. vacation (n.): a holiday; time away from work or school

25. blood (n.): the red liquid in our veins that pump around the body

RS Story

comparative and superlative adjectives


G4 A1 Week 10

G4 A1 Week 10

Week 10

Homework 回家功課




Oct 28th 

□1. No homework



Oct 29th

□1. No homework



Oct 30th 

□1. No homework




Oct 31st

□1. Week 10 vocab 1-12 x3

□2. Week 10 def. 1-12 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence



Nov 1st

□1. Week 10 vocab 13-25 x3

□2. Week 10 def. 13-25 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence



Friday, 25 October 2024

G4 A1 Class Friday

  G4 A1 Class Friday


□1. Friday WS

□2. Study for written exams


-Oral exams


Thursday, 24 October 2024

G4 A1 class Thursday

     G4 A1 class Thursday


□1.  Review WS Thursday

□2.  Read RS story


□1. oral exams

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

G4 A1 class Tuesday

   G4 A1 class Tuesday


□1. review WS

□2. week 4+5 vocab words x2


-vocab week 2-7 review

-RS story review

Monday, 21 October 2024

G4 A1 Additional Resources- review week

 RS Stories

The Man Who Invented Basketball

Hottest, Coldest, highest, Deepest

Suki Kimono

Controlled r sounds

Irregular plural nouns

G4 A1 Week 9

     G4 A1 Week 9

Week 9

Homework 回家功課




Oct 21st

□1. Monday Review WS

□2. Read RS stories

□3. Week 2+3 vocab words x 2



Oct 22nd

 □1.  Tuesday Review WS

□2. Read RS stories

□3. Week 4+5 vocab words x 2



Oct 23rd

 □1.  Wednesday Review WS

□2. Read RS stories

□3. Week 6+7 vocab words x 2




Oct 24th

 □1.  Thursday Review WS

□2. Read RS stories




Oct 25th

□1. Friday review WS

□2. study for exams 


Friday, 18 October 2024

G4 A1 Class Friday

 G4 A1 Class Friday


□1. Diary-write about either Saturday or Sunday



-writing review

Thursday, 17 October 2024

G4 A1 class Thursday

    G4 A1 class Thursday


□1.  RWN 336-337

□2.  Read RS story


□1. Vocab review

□2.  RS story

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

G4 A1 Wednesday

G4 A1 Wednesday


□1. Week 8 vocab 13-25 x3

□2. Week 8 def. 13-25 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence

Exp Class Outing - All of grade 4

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

G4 A1 class Tuesday

  G4 A1 class Tuesday


□1. WS

□2. Sensay week 8 task


-vocab 16-25 week 8

-RWN 327-337

Monday, 14 October 2024

G4 A1 class Week 8 Additional Resources


Week 8 Vocab Definitions   I Love Saturdays y domingos

      1.    domingo (n.): Spanish word for Sunday

2.    scrambled (adj.): all mixed up.

3.    honey (n.): a thick, sweet substance made by bees

4.    bouquet (n.): a group of flowers picked and tied together

5.    pier (n.): a structure that goes out from the shore into water

6.    nibble (v.): to eat slowly or with small bites.

7.    soar (v.): to fly or sail at a great height

8.    circus (n.): a show, often in a large tent, with animals, clowns, magic

9.    swallow (v.): to move food down from your mouth into your body

10.   difficult (adj.): not easy; hard to do, understand, or achieve

11.   stare (v.): to look intensely at something

12.   carpet (n.): a heavy fabric cover for a floor

13.   aquarium (n.): glass or plastic container for fish to live in

14.   seashore (n.): the area of land next to the ocean

15.   California (prop. n.): a state of the USA on the west coast

16.   wagon (n.): a vehicle with four wheels used for moving things, often pulled by animals

17. piñata (n.): a decorated container filled with candy or treats, hit with a stick at children’s parties until it is broken and they fall out

18. scarf (n.): a long piece of cloth worn over the shoulders or wrapped around the neck to stay warm

19.   dollhouse (n.): a toy house for a doll.

20.   papaya (n.): a yellowish green fruit.

21.   spongy (adj.): soft and full of holes or water; like a sponge.

22.   realistic (adj.): based on what is real or could happen.

23.   stair (n.): one of the steps in a set of stairs.

24.   chili (n.): a small pepper with a hot flavor.

25.   chilly (adj.): a little cold.

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives



G4 A1 New Hw example

  March 3 rd , 2025 1 explore (v) explore (v)    explores (v)    explores (v)    explored (v)    explored (v) to travel to new p...