Monday, 30 September 2024

G4 A1 week 6 Additional Resources


Week 6 Vocab Definitions   Suki’s Kimono

1.  festival (v.): a special time or event when people gather to celebrate something

2.  snug (adj.): fitting closely and often too tightly

3.  rhythm (n.): a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements

4.  paces (n.): a single step or the length of a single step usually plural

5.  graceful (adj.): moving in a smooth and attractive way

6.  pale (adj.): light in color

7.  cotton (n.): a soft, white material that grows on the seeds of a tall plant and that is used to make cloth

8.  handkerchief (n.): a small cloth used for wiping your face, nose, or eyes

9.  kimono (n.): a loose piece of clothing with wide sleeves that is traditionally worn on formal occasions in Japan

10.   approve (v.): to believe that something or someone is good or acceptable

11.   slurp (v.): to eat or drink (something) noisily or with a sucking sound

12.   lantern (n.): a light that usually has a covering and can be carried, hung, or flown

13.   quake (v.): to shake because of fear, anger, etc

14.   quiver (v.):to shake because of fear, cold, nervousness

15.   flutter (v.): to move with quick, light movements

16.   giggle (v.): to laugh in a nervous or childlike way

17.   ignore (v.): to refuse to show that you hear or see something or someone

18.   assembly (n.): a group of people who have gathered together

19.   snicker (v.): to make a short, quiet laugh in a way that shows disrespect

20.   clog (n.): a shoe or sandal that has a thick usually wooden sole

21.   hum (v.): to make a low continuous sound

22.   stamp (v.): to bring (your foot) down heavily and noisily; to use a special device (called a stamp) to put a design, word, etc., on something

23.   obi (n): a sash worn with traditional Japanese clothes

24.   favorite (adj.): best liked of something; most preferred

25.   crunchy (adj.): having a hard texture and making a loud sound when chewed





G4 A1 Week 6

   G4 A1 Week 6

Week 6

Homework 回家功課




Sept 30th 

□1. Week 6 vocab 1-12 x3

□2. Week 6 def. 1-12 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence



Oct 1st 

□1. Week 6 vocab 13-25 x3

□2. Week 6 def. 13-25 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence




Oct 2nd 

□1. RWN 319, 321 + WS




Oct 3rd

□1. RWN 325, 326 +WS




Oct 4th

□1. Weekend writing book- Write an expository text based on the travel brochure done last weekend



Friday, 27 September 2024

G4 A1 class Friday

  G4 A1 class Friday


□1. Diary- write a travel brochure on the worksheet provided and then attach to the weekend bubble book


-Unit Test

-Researching places and gathering key facts

Thursday, 26 September 2024

G4 A1 class Thursday

   G4 A1 class Thursday


□1.  worksheet

□2.  Rs story


□1. class worksheet based off story

□2.  RS story

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

G4 A1 class Wednesday

 G4 A1 class Wednesday


□1. Worksheet


-RS story

-student corrections


-Science class- pg 12-15

-Experience class- Halloween decorations

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

G4 A1 class Tuesday 9-24

 G4 A1 class Tuesday


□1. Week 5 vocab 13-25 x3

□2. Week 5 def. 13-25 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence


-Vocab 13-25

-Reading street story

-RWN pg258-268

-Class worksheet based on countries on the map

After the last quiz, I have reduced the spelling by 1, in the hope students will have a little more time to review their work for the up coming unit test

Monday, 23 September 2024

G4 A1 week 5 additional Information

 Week 5 Vocab Definitions Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest

      1.    amazing (adj.): causing great surprise or wonder.

2.    jungle (n.): land covered with many trees; a tropical rainforest.

3.    freshwater (adj.): of, having to do with water that is not salty.

4.    contain (v.): to hold or have within.

5.    combine (v.): to bring or join together into a whole.

6.    consider (v.): to think carefully about; to keep in mind.

7.    base (n.): the bottom or lowest part of something.

8.    Russia (Prop. n.): a country in Europe and Asia.

9.    Libya (Prop. n.): country in Africa.

10.Sahara (Prop. n.): desert in Africa.

11.Colombia (Prop. n.): country in South America.

12.Chile (Prop. n.): country in South America.

13.Himalayas (Prop. n.): mountain in Asia.

14.Venezuela (Prop. n.): country in South America.

15.Philippines (Prop. n.): island country in Asia.

16.Ecuador (Prop. n.): country in South America.

17.overtake (v.): to move up to and past (someone that is in front of you) by moving faster.

18.windiest (adj.): having a lot of wind; the most windy.

19.deepest (adj.): having a large distance to the bottom from the surface; the most deep.

20.driest (adj.): having no or very little water or liquid; the most dry.

21.pour (with rain) (v.): to rain heavily.

22.mile (n.): a unit of measurement equal to 5,280 feet (or 1,609 meters).

23.feet (measure) (n.): plural of foot; a unit of measurement equal to 12 inches or .3048 meter.

24.receive (v.): to get or be given something.

25.narrow (adj.): not wide or broad.

YouTube Story

Subject and Object pronouns Wordwall

Controlled r sound songs, flashcards and Wordwall


G4 A1 Week 5

   G4 A1 Week 5

Week 5

Homework 回家功課




Sept 23th 

□1. Week 5 vocab 1-12 x3

□2. Week 5 def. 1-12 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence




Sept 24th 

□1. Week 5 vocab 13-25 x3

□2. Week 5 def. 13-25 x1

□3. Sentences x3 using 2 vocab words, 10 words mini per sentence




Sept 25th

□1. WS




Sept 26th

□1. WS




Sept 27th

□1. Weekend writing book- RWN pg 261- Write a travel brochure



G4 A1 New Hw example

  March 3 rd , 2025 1 explore (v) explore (v)    explores (v)    explores (v)    explored (v)    explored (v) to travel to new p...