Thursday 星期四 Sept 30th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Worksheet: Review Study for quiz RWN 441-456 |
Worksheet: Review
Thursday 星期四 Sept 30th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Worksheet: Review Study for quiz RWN 441-456 |
Worksheet: Review
Wednesday 星期三 Sept 29th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Write VW’s # 17-24 ,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW Phonics 27-30 Science 20-21 |
Write VW’s # 17-24 ,4x
Make 3 sentences using a VW
Tuesday 星期二 Sept 28th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Write VW’s # 9-16 ,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW |
Write VW’s # 9-16 ,4x
Make 3 sentences using a VW
Monday 星期一 Sept 27th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. 120-127 Write VW’s # 1-8 ,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW Vocab 1-24 |
Write VW’s # 1-8 ,4x
Make 3 sentences using a VW
Week 5 A Southern Ranch (1.4)
English |
Chinese |
English |
Chinese |
1. lie |
verb |
平躺 |
1. eight |
noun |
八 |
2. tie |
verb |
打結、繫 |
2. moon |
noun |
月亮 |
3. high |
adj. |
高的 |
3. touch |
verb |
觸碰 |
4. might |
modals |
可能 |
4. above |
prep. |
在…上面 |
5. treasure |
noun |
財寶 |
5. laugh |
verb |
笑 |
6. night |
noun |
夜晚 |
6. southern |
adj. |
南方的 |
7. light |
noun |
燈 |
7. ranch |
noun |
大牧場 |
8. bright |
adj. |
明亮的 |
8. raise |
verb |
飼養 |
9. hands |
noun |
人手(複數) |
9. livestock |
noun |
牲畜 |
10. tight |
adj. |
緊的 |
10. cattle |
noun |
牛 |
11. danger |
noun |
危險 |
11. frighten |
verb |
使害怕 |
12. whisper |
verb |
小聲說話 |
12. arrive |
verb |
到達 |
Weekly Conversation (1) 1. It is not bright
at night. 2. Do you see cattle
on the ranch? 3. The livestock
might be in danger. 4. I want eight pies and that is not a lie. |
Monday 星期一 Sept 27th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. 120-127 Write VW’s # 1-8 ,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW Vocab 1-24 |
Tuesday 星期二 Sept 28th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Write VW’s # 9-16 ,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW |
Wednesday 星期三 Sept 29th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Write VW’s # 17-24
,4x Make 3 sentences using a VW Phonics 27-30 Science 20-21 |
Thursday 星期四 Sept 30th |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Worksheet: Review Study for quiz RWN 441-456 |
Friday 星期五 Oct 1st |
RS: A Southern Ranch pp. story Sign quiz Reading Log
RWN 457-472 |
March 3 rd , 2025 1 explore (v) explore (v) explores (v) explores (v) explored (v) explored (v) to travel to new p...